Week 2 in the MTC

Hey y’all,

How is everybody doing?

This week was both good and bad... definitely had some high ups... but also some downs.

On Tuesday we had our first devotional and guess who it was???? 


It was seriously so good! Apparently he had already spoke once since January and all he did was a question and answer with the missionaries so people were really shocked that he came to speak at the MTC again. But this time he had a purpose. He said he normally doesn't write out his talks but this one he did because he knew it was important. He spoke about the martyrdom of Joseph and Hyrum Smith and how grateful we, as missionaries, should be  for all that they did so that we can preach the gospel today. I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God and that he translated the Book of Mormon and I am so grateful for all that they did so that I am able to go to Eugene Oregon and share the gospel of Jesus Christ.

I also had the opportunity to sing in the MTC choir FOR PRESIDENT BALLARD!!! It was an amazing! We sang be still my soul.

On Monday we taught our first TRC!! A TRC is basically just a volunteer who comes and gets taught by the missionaries... sometimes they are members... sometimes they are not...

Her name is Alicia and I love her so much! Our first lesson was A M A Z I N G!! Our second.. not so much... and our third was somewhere in between. But, I think I hold myself to a higher standard then most so I am sure that thye lessons were actually all fine they just didn't go the way I think they should have or could have gone.  

It is weird how much my perspective effects my attitude about something. The days that were hard were mostly because I didn't feel like the lesson went the way it should've. But, on one of those days, Sister Crystal found a scripture in Doctrine and Covenants that has now become our motto and it brings me comfort when I get anxious about my lessons or really anything....

D&C 68:6, "Wherefore, be of good cheer, and do not fear, for I the Lord am with you, and will stand by you..."

Isn't God G O O D?? I know that he loves me and knows me perfectly and I know that he will give me comfort. All I have to do is ask.

Unfortunately, yesterday was our last lesson with Alicia because she is going on vacation... but good news is now we get to teach a new person! So yay for more experience and sharing the gospel with more people! My first lesson with my new TRC is on Monday so I'll write about that next Saturday. 

(ALSO, honestly bless you if you are still reading this... I remember how much I said I would never write long ones but it's weird not being able to update people throughout the week... so thank you if you are still reading!!! I love y'all!)

Our lessons with Autumn have been going way better than our first one last week! I realize I wasn't able to write about our first one with Autumn last week so I'll just say a little bit about it... I think it didn't go so great... I cried after it.. but again I think I am way harder on myself and I am sure I do fine... Our past couple have gone alright but I still don't really think they've gone great or anything... definitely I want to improve. THE PROBLEM IS: Our teacher emailed us yesterday (she emailed everyone feedback about their lessons yesterday) and all she said was this, "SISTERS YOU ARE DOING SUCH A GREAT JOB WOW!!! brother dummer and i are both really really impressed by you!!!!! you were so lead by the spirit today. you only taught A REALLY small amount... but this last lessons was powerful! because of the questions you asked her. you helped her think and discover things on her own! idk what to say... youre doing amazing! email me back if you have any specific questions.." I know that this should reassure me that I am doing fine and I don't need to keep worrying but... I NEED DIRECTION! If any of you have feedback on things that helped yall when teaching lessons as a missionary I would definitely appreciate it! 

So... I guess I am doing good... I just need a sense of direction. 

Sister Crystal is amazing and I love my district as weird as they all are... 

God was definitely looking out for me when he put me with Sister Crystal. As an introvert I normally can't be around people all of the time because it drains me... which is honestly still true when it comes to basically everyone in my district but.. NOT MY COMPANION!!!

Which is super super good since I have to be with her at all times... I love Sister Crystal tons and even though we are different it is amazing how God knows what each and every one of us needs.

Also, we have been playing sand volleyball for exercise time and it is way fun!

Last thing! I got my travel itinerary!!! I will be arriving in Eugene, Oregon on August 1st around 1:00 PM!!! Luckily the flight is really only like an hour or two so we'll prob just practice lessons on the flight! there are 14 people flying to my mission that day! I think it is just the four of us sisters in my districts and the rest are elders. We have met a couple of them around campus but we haven't ever really spoken to any of them.


I love being a missionary even in the hard times and I know without a doubt in my mind that this is where I am supposed to be. I love the gospel of Jesus Christ and I know that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

I love you all!

Sister Robertson

A blessing was left at our door last p-day. There is actually a funny story that goes with this picture but I am tired or typing so maybe next week.

 The other sisters and I

Sister Crystal and I on our 1 week.

Me dropping cereal into Sister Crystal's mouth before we went to bed... I actually made it multiple times so clearly I have definitely grown my skills while here at the MTC.
